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Runham Village Hall is available for hire

As you will be aware, the cost of energy has vastly increased over recent months. Consequently, the Village Hall Committee has reluctantly decided it will have to increase the cost of hiring the hall. From 1 September 2022, it will cost £5 her hour to rent the hall for everyone, including parishioners.


Hire Rates:

9am - 12 Noon - £5.00


12 Noon - 6pm - £10.00


6pm - 12 Midnight - £20.00


Enquiries and bookings should be made to : Jean Hodgson on 369823 or by email here 


Tables and chairs may also be hired for private use outside the Hall £2 per table, £5 per 10 chairs - deposit required

Village Hall Outside 2.JPG
V Hall Inside 1.JPG
V Hall Inside 2.JPG

Runham Village Hall Committee are committed to improving our hall but also running events for the village.  If you would be interested in getting involved please give either of us a call.  We need new and fresh ideas or people who could spare some time to help at events, help with cleaning or DIY.  All ages are welcomed so we have something for everyone- young or old!

For information on events in our parish please visit our new and updated website

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